
Animals Staying Alive Promotions

Pawp supports Animals and Owners in their time of need

We are happy to support those animals and owners in their time of need and are excited to let you know about an awesome brand that aims to be proactive when it comes to pet care and saving lives.

Relatable and Affordable Care

If you are a pet parent, we recommend that you look into Pawp, a $19/ month membership that gives you unlimited, 24/7 telehealth access with a veterinarian, as well as a $3,000 fund in the event of an emergency. Please note that Pawp is an alternative to traditional pet insurance and provides relatable and affordable care. Pawp aims to make overall pet care more accessible for the new pet parent, seasoned owners, and everyone in between!

Extremely Helpful

Pawp can be extremely helpful in situations such as:
  • General health, nutrition, or behavioral questions, and would like to seek instant advice from a licensed vet.
  • Your pet is exhibiting unusual behavior and you're not sure whether you should run to the ER, book an appointment with your primary vet, or explore an at-home treatment. Most situations can be assessed via telehealth!
  • Your pet's life is in danger and you need immediate help. The emergency fund covers up to $3,000 for an urgent life-saving vet visit.

Get 20% off of your first 3 months!

Pawp is excited to work with Animals Staying Alive to help those in need during a stressful and scary time.

Click Here to sign up to Pawp and get 20% off on your first 3 months!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Community Manager Emma Osborn at

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